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I am not interested in fleeting moments of your flesh meeting mine.  


What ignites your desire smolders within me:  

Your desire to spiral me into your atmosphere. 

Your desire to belong next to me.

Your desire to blueprint an us. 

Your desire to quote me from cover to cover and remain captivated by no ending.  


For me to not know absolute extent of your intention works.  But know, I go for the jugular.



Depth retains integrity of a truth spoken unto myself; my desire to discern all of you.   

To viscerally unwound your cloaked emotions.

To lock pick your silent logic.  

To devour your untold story with my heart.  

To bind your vulnerability to unspoken trust. 

To murmur my promise to be there for you.


Sex is fun.  It’s flirty.  It’s fleeting.  


First encounters can last a weekend or less than one sip. 

Interludes like these never intrigue me. 

For me, knowing another’s capacity for tension, before unwrapping,

is to be savored like eloquent chocolate filling one’s mouth making impossible next word.  


My no makes my yes delicious.


Depth is in my promise to exchange what I think for how I feel:  

I want to feel lost in a sea of stars looking for guidance when your eyes seize mine.  

I want to know how indescribable feels when intoxicated by your inhalation.  

I want to feel impression of your reflection when it wrinkles mine mid-pond.

I want intangible discernment to confuse me when your whisper caresses my drowsy shoulder. 


And, I want you to feel I am in this mingle of us with all of me.  


I won’t be blind to difficult conversation.  

I will see such as opportunity to explore how my sublime imperfections complement yours.  

From there, we co-create that meeting place of where we are because we respect who we are in relationship with one another.  


You are not my better half, nor I yours.  

We entwine our wholeness fashioning an emotional bond not known individually.  

Our glue pays tribute to what existed prior to an us.  


Personal life passions add fullness.  


We sit comfortable in one another’s presence as our outside lives spill across dining table

staining laid cloth as thoroughly as a vintage red stains unadulterated silk.  


These uniquely personal experiences receive rich reception in our hearts. 

Our desires and fears; visions of paradise and hell, have notice. 

All are held secret in that subliminal space that binds lover to lover. 


We do this for no other reason than to finely attune clarity to pay homage to our capacity to fully engage in knowing love does not flee.  


We acknowledge love sometimes settles like silt or lodges like a gritty irritant.  


Love is not a heady elixir.  

Love is not etched in stone.  

Love is not carved in tree bark. 

Love is not to be trifled with. 


Love requires tenacity to keep sacred that space where kept promises live,

because our love was seeded before love bound us.


My love for you exists in knowing what it must feel like to be in the presence of God.

Image by Jeremy Perkins

The Stars Sing to Me


The stars sing to me softly. 

“What is your song?" trillions twinkle in chorus.


Prone upon dew splendored earth, rich harmony of body and soul, I blink back, 

“Assist my memory please, I have forgotten.  

My pave essence of stardust origin seems encrusted and bruised by this planet’s beleaguered woes.  

Remind me why I chose this time, this space, this turned out, upside down, tattered worn history place.”


Glinting stars return in storyline song, 

“You never left, forgot, nor you alone.  

In evening bird’s melody we encourage inspiration higher; 

Unfasten your vision with forgot.  


Daybreak our reprieve, illumines at rest. 

While resilient patience reminds;

Your stardust brilliance, your light righteousness, forever shines.


Let us reduce 'forgotten' to discordant inkwell powder.

Reliquified through quill, bright words stain staff paper;

"Harmonize truth in peace."  

Let this be our song.


This song stars sing to me.​




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I cannot participate in discussion of past wrongs or deceit.
I cannot:
Place blame,
Point fingers,
Collectively I stand:
Engaged with those present in this time-space chasm
healing collective ruptures, cognizant not one present is responsible for legacy of suppressed division;

Antiquities of antiquated B.S. 
I am responsible for systematic dismantle and transformation through:

If one remains shackled to legacy of division, not one is free.
We are promised to release constricting weight that cuts flow of our humanity.
Let not one remain:
Strike oppressive locks broken:
Hand in hand,
Arm in arm,
Embrace to rise.
On deck, in truth united stand.
Fiercely ahold life's raft of Soul.


June 2020​

Image by Martina Misar-Tummeltshammer

"As your life changes, so does your path lead."

Carol Logan-Cherrington

May 2021

Image by César Couto



I moved to this place of looking back,

pragmatic with expectancy. 

On precipice of rebirthing into original family of welcoming. 


Acuteness rises;

Outgrown room,

Outgrown womb.


Smote must in array of puddled past.


Eroded boulders of authority, protrusions of narrative, composite rock twisted beauty sharped and smoothed; profundity.


Ancestral tear floods.


Tributaries reminisce, meander beyond banks of lineage shoulds,

dowsing enchantment of becoming.


Unlayering, enriched revelations of whom heaved towards free.

Hopefilled droplets abrade what could, now is, to reveal becoming's allure:


Divergent thinker.




Impossible to deny sand-grain boulders within sediment of rock, water, me;

Shape to embolden entelechy.  

This looking back place;









Image by raquel raclette



Choose happiness over righteousness.

Choose relational over transactional.

Choose expansion over constriction.

Choose to become your Soul's yearning; 

Imperfection perfectly uninhibited.


Field of Grace

My footpath continues.
Have work to complete.
Could it be otherwise?

Landing on Earth an overwhelming sense of me.
Independent vibes,
Soloness sobriety.


Quickened crescendoes note stunning valleys of We.
Right timing;
Sobriety in Souloness.

Travails interweave, traverse upon soil-sand, impress my Soul, implore to lead.

Lead What?
To Where?

I embrace ambiguity.
Peaked in salty, sweet bitterness, knowing's tangible.
Lifetimes' lessons

Intoxicating unfoldment swirls enfoldment.
Riotous acts combine.


We prevail as One.
Dominion over none.
This field of amazing grace unifies;
Cloud with Sky,
Celestial with Cosmos,
You with We.

Other ways cannot be.



Image by Janine Joles

"Every day is not of new beginnings,

only continuation of enfoldment into being."






Sweetness burns.

Truth salves.


Matter it not who you think me into your didactic of being.

Such projections pin me to school of ought.


Soul muses this ping-pong, pinball terrain evocateur Soul plies.

Roads taken.  Maps lost.

Boats rowed. Rivers Crossed.

It matters not.


Honeyed syrup, glossed over soul;

Dissolve you closer to You.

Lure formless awe forth from deep wellness, a grandeur of light.

Heavenly divine returned.



Summer 2022





Image by Valerie Blanchett

"The one true authority of your Soul has only ever been you."


Rebecca Campbell

Great Love



Marvelous silence of all;

pieces to whole.

Invisible, yet bones expose objective, subjective, collective thought.

Structure of humanity and sentient.

Creation connects, communicates, vibrates through entwinement of sinew.


Me to You to Us.


Tympanic veil, mightily diminutive 

murmurs butterfly sound-flutter signature.  

Absent vibration, gossamer of species and cosmos ceases.

Breathe vibration.


"As dust settles, so will you become."


Pieces cascade artful Great Love.  

All things known sacred;

Renaissancing planet and humanity.


Interplay forms whole;

Matrixing cosmos into Being.

We see without physical eyes;

We recognoscere diaphanous Soul's eternity.


Golden sacredness fills my mouth.

Golden sacredness savuer.

Golden sacredness to serve.



Summer 2021

Image by Alexandru Acea

"Sawubona.  I see you, and so I bring you into being."


                                            isiZulu Greeting




Perhaps you think it's go it alone.

Perhaps your belief lies in reliance upon self.

Perhaps this system serves no one, including you.


Gaze wide upon field of potentiality.

Affix your  vision to no-one-thing; yet feel into everything.

Fall into that which calls you to remembering.


Draw near to hearing--space bordering healing.

Murmurs stir divinity deep welled within.


Patiently, Soul resides sentinel as parts cleaved from whole, explore illusion of individuation.


Soul awaits recognizance as co-creator in core truth--your being.

No judgment cast; only deep whispered misconception of disconnection.


Soul has always been your wholiness.

In nature of being resplendent, complete; one rhythm unifies.


Expansive regard re-members your fragments back to Soul, collaborator of truth, perfected envisioned You.


Perhaps, just perhaps, you craved separateness to conscious whole.




Image by Frame Harirak

"Authentically, masterfully, brilliantly show up."  Uumani



First, we must truly, authentically, deeply forgive ourselves. 

The Universe does not recognize judgment.  

Human conditioning abscessed self-judgment in formative conscious of child.  

Self-judgment's malignancy

embedded itself upon us by adults unaware their historical web sticks.

This is not your reality; 

nor truth of you, 

nor truth of them.

Opportunity to free that which no longer serves greatest good of you lures.

Forgive others.   

Forgive you.

Extend gratitude to experiences we called upon ourselves to purpose compassion. 

Nothing of matter exists in past.

Healing one’s self lives in forgiving.



Becoming's Bloom




How do you explain something inexplicable?  When do you know to release to make whole?  How do you perceive across divide honoring another's edge? How do you invoke a faith so deep as to know one never left? How to whisper you are not alone, but within grasp of healing you believed lost to you?  


My only answer.

Difficult to view from afar the throes of doubt one's love endures in purification of darkness.  

Breathing raw-deep etched walls of ends and thresholds, Soul's labyrinth.  

Discovery on such grand scale of Self, leaves room for one.  

For this moment.

Acquiesce to odyssey of personal mythic expansion, lie in deep compassion of lover's heart,

a place faint hearted dare not dabble.  

This is my oath to uphold.  

To allow space for you.

To witness you beyond horizon of limiting self belief.  

What my true love endures mirrors my heart.

An obligation gnaws my soul commitment to know ours is a journey of moment.

Moment of silence.

Moment of grief.

Moment of ecstasy.  

Moment of wholeness. 

A vow to allow one to succumb to tenderness and embrace gritty.  

No simple task.

But, so deeply gratifying to behold Souled Love's revival:  

Regained clarity.  




A wisdom greater realized bestowed than before.

This what was difficult, fractional, now purposely whole.  

This is to allow my dearest's becoming bloom.






I wonder….. 

Is it the smell of fresh cut grass wafting through open window wide to spring? 

Is it the unison sway of firs whispering delight beneath night's speckled dome?

Is it the sincerity of a child’s utter fascination having spied summer’s first fluttering kaleidoscope?

What if I carry forth visions of complete joy in my moment to moment?

It happened today.

Shopping for books at discount for those who hold rewards card, the stranger next in line shared hers with me.

Rounding a corner, books bagged heavy in my arms, I asked a petite lady her name. 

Indeed, a friend of long ago. 

A selfie of our universally orchestrated encounter serves proof joy lives in moment to moment.

Upon waking, I had called upon the Universe to stitch ease and curiosity through my day; my hours rode a carpet of collaboration celebration.

What if Cosmic consciousness easily conspires to meet all our expectations for moment-to-moment joyous harmony?

What if this momentous co-created energy delivers our world anew?

What if our Universal partnership effortlessly favors our collective gardens of abundance for all?

Just imagine what highest good for humankind and planet will root and ripen.

I wonder if you’re smiling, too?









Uumani Winter 2021

Image by KS KYUNG



Your soulful eyes mirror my soul.  
Endless depth inkwell draws upon cosmos dance; 
In you, I am.
In me, you are.
Wholeness in one knowing eternal renewing;

 rebirthing our forgiveness forevering completeness.
I return rhythmically unified by heart; 

To You.

To Earth.

To Soul.

To All.
Illumined blaze mirrors cosmos and Soul.
Through your eyes,
I see.
I know.


Image by Adrien Olichon


I am presencing.

Amplifying glorious golden liquified me.

Luminous waves dust pollen kisses upon potentiality.

Potent wisdom quivers open;

breathing whispers awaken receptivity.

Brilliant divine truth caresses radiant promise to be.

Coaxing form from infinite sea;

Eternal gifts flow, aspecting rarity; mirroring my gold dust grain of whole.

Spiraling me out.

Spiraling me in.

Continuous creation pulses through deathlessness of me.

Ceaseless golden waves lull.

Liquid of becoming immerse me in shimmering suspended innocence; 

allows not knowing of before.

Unabashedly, uninhibitedly, ever-yearning to become natural;

This ocean nourishment presences me in reflection of you. 




Image by Resul Mentes


Gold plume released upon sea; swells of promise beheld.

Cosmic dust seeds marrow beneath tension of seeing.

Urges forth truth;

One entelechy.

Celestial glow.



Stunning flecks obscure illusion of self from infinite. 

Chorus signaled osmosis.

Light dance overflow lithe and free.

What I seek nestles, restless within

anticipatory permission of one.


Suspended deep celled memories;

those simplistic complexities called Me.

A fertile creation beheld in Soul of humanity.

Recreative of past for new;

particles seeding Origin's field back knowing gravitate us to fullness.

Distinguished divinity; illumined, natural, exposed.


True you are sea; paused momentarily in ebb of eternity.

Numinous droplets mist undulating field;

a coalesced eternal cycling We.



Image by Jonny Gios
























Unfoldment Into Expansiveness


Cosmos wedded beyond horizon point; shimmer sea-sky line

where flow's continuous formlessness endeavors mystics' delight.

Pearls and stars luminous marry; 

unbroken light-dance interplay; ecstasy lures pure access of unpatterning.  

Potentialling promise; erupting Soulful's joy. 

Ambient luminations marbled soft and bold;  

expansion enfolding unfoldment,

treasured kindred allying All.


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